
A 6th ERC to EURECOM!- Prof Derya Malak, ERC starting grant


Congratulations to Prof. Derya Malak for her ERC Starting Grant at EURECOM for her project “SENSIBILITÉ”, focusing on the fundamental theoretical foundations of next generation wireless communications!

SENSIBILITÉ project, lies at the intersection of information theory and computation, aiming to understand how we can use communication networks for computational purposes.

Learn more on this ambitious project in our blog article!


Beyond the Mobile Phone conference



The 2022 edition of the "Beyond the Mobile Phone" conference is taking place on November 30 in Paris, organised in partnership with EURECOM, France Brevets, IMT and Qualcomm. The event is also supported by Carnot Télécom & Société numérique.

Don't miss the unique opportunity to gain insights into how 5G and the Connected Intelligent Edge is transforming industries and enterprises.

Register through the following lingk : 


a 5th ERC Grant awarded to a EURECOM researcher


Congratulations to Petros Elia, Professor in the communication systems dept. who has won Proof of Concept Grants for his project LIGHT (Cache-aided Folding for Reducing VoD Loads in Networks).This top-up funding will help him bridge the gap between the results of his pioneering research and the early steps of its commercial development.

He is one of only seven French recipients of this award ! This is the 5th ERC funding awarded to a EURECOM researcher. Once again congrats !

European Research Council

EURECOM awarded with overall five-star QS Rating


We are proud to announce that this year again EURECOM has been awarded an overall five-star QS rating by the prestigious Quacquarelly Symonds (QS) Stars Rating.

This distinction reflects the excellent performance of EURECOM in key areas such as teaching, research, employability, internationalization or e-learning.



We are proud to announce that the EU project SILKNOW is the winner of the 2022  EuropeanHeritageAwards / EuropaNostraAwards 2022 for Research category!

EURECOM and Professor Raphaël Troncy contributed to this project by providing insight about historic silk fabrics and AI technology applied to preserving cultural heritage. These awards were launched in 2002 by the European Commission in collaboration with Europa Nostra and they are Europe’s most prestigious Awards in the heritage field. The Awards promote best practices in the enhancement of cultural heritage, increase public awareness and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage and encourage further excellent initiatives through the power of example. Congratulations to our researchers and to our 8 European partners!
Learn more about this project in our research blog article!



A new Best Paper Award has been given for DAGOBAH system at IC 2022, a collaborative research project developed by EURECOM Data Science Department from Sophia Antipolis in association with Orange Labs teams from Belfort and Rennes

Human activities produce a lot of raw data presented in the form of tables. To understand them quickly, EURECOM  and Orange are developing the DAGOBAH semantic annotation platform. DAGOBAH System performs automatic pre-processing and semantic interpretation of tables. It aims to deploy a generic solution used to optimize AI applications such as personal assistants, but also to promote the management of complex data sets of any company.

Congratulations to our researchers and to our partners!

Learn more about DAGOBAH system in this article!

Viet-Phi Huynh, Jixiong Liu, Yoan Chabot, Frédéric Deuzé, Thomas Labbé, Pierre Monnin, Raphaël Troncy

DAGOBAH : Annotation sémantique de données tabulaires par comparaison du contexte des tables et d’un graphe de connaissances, page 10-19 :

WSA 2021 International workshop will be held at EURECOM, November 10-12


The 25th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2021) provides a forum for presenting and discussing research results on smart antennas, spanning theoretical analyses as well as technical and implementation aspects, in modern wireless communications.

For the first time, the Workshop on Smart Antennas will take place in the heart of the world renown “French Riviera” (Côte d’Azur in French), and it will be hosted at EURECOM. 

Congratulations to the 4 new doctors!


Guilherme RICARDO, PhD student in the Communication Systems Department, co-supervised by Profs. ELIA Petros & SPYROPOULOS Thrasyvoulos (EURECOM) and NEGLIA Giovanni (INRIA) on September 09, 2021. Thesis subject: "Design and Optimization of Cache Systems for Small Cell Networks"

Andrea POSSEMATO, PhD student from the Digital Security Department, co-supervised by Prof. FRANCILLON Aurélien (EURECOM) and FRATANTONIO Yanick (CISCO Talos - Austria) on September 14, 2021. Thesis subject: "A Multidimensional Analysis of the Android Security Ecosystem"

Emanuele PARRINELLO, PhD student in the Communication Systems Department, supervised by Prof. ELIA Petros,  on September 23, 2021. Thesis subject: "Fundamental Limits of Networks with Shared Caches"

Lorenzo MIRETTI, PhD student in the Communication Systems Department, supervised by Prof. GESBERT David, on September 24, 2021. Thesis subject: "Optimal designs for decentralized transmission with asymmetric information on the state of the channel"